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Już 19-20 listopada odbędzie się 1st International ATEM Conference


Zapraszamy wszystkich zainteresowanych do udziału w konferencji
„1st International ATEM ( Art, Technology, Education, Management) Conference” w dniach 19-20 listopada 2022 roku.

Wydarzenie organizuje Gnieźnieńska Szkoła Wyższa Milenium wraz z tureckim uniwersytetem Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University.

Data: 19-20 listopada 2022 roku
Miejsce: Link do relacji na żywo https://www.youtube.com/@GSW_Milenium/streams

(adres do relacji na żywo zostanie udostępniony w tym miejscu w dniu wydarzenia)



Dr. Krzysztof GAWRECKI, Ph. D. Rector of The Milenium University

Dr. Sibel KARAKELLE, Ph. D. 

Former Dean of Faculty of Education at the Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University

Start of the Conference

N. 19th 



9.00 (11.00 TT)



Dr. Fatih ÖZER, Ph.D. C.

Istanbul University - Cerrahpasa


Web 2 Tools & Virtual Reality in Education

N. 19th

9.15 (11.15 TT)

Dr. Anton Abdulbasah KAMIL, Ph. D. 

Nişantaşı University 

Stochastic Efficiency in Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Using Sample Average and Sample Median Approximation in Operations Management 

N. 19th 

9.45 (11.45 TT)


Dr. Mykola ORLYKOVSKYI, Ph. D.

Milenium University

Integrity, Sustainability, and Intellectual Capital Challenges in Management Education in the Era of Artificial Intelligence

N. 19th

10.15 (12.15 TT)



N. 19th 

10.45 (12.45 TT)





Dr. Hüseyin GÜL 

Süleyman Demirel University

Ethical Principles in Research & Publication Process


N. 19th

11.00 (13.00 TT)

Dr. Sibel KARAKELLE, Ph. D. 

Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University 

Social and Emotional Wellbeing through Music in Early Childhood Education  


 N. 19th 

11.30 (13.30 TT)


Milenium University

The Importance of Lecturer-Student Relationship Building for Student Satisfaction During Remote Learning

N. 19th

12.00 (14.00 TT)






End of the First Day of the Conference



12.30 (14.30 TT)







Milenium University

The Influence of Color Therapy  on Human Life


9.00 (11.00 TT)

Dr. Magdalena PRENTKA, PH.D.

Milenium University

Coping with Stress


9.30 (11.30 TT)

Dr. Belma TUGRUL, Ph. D.

Istanbul Aydın University 

Let’s Start From Children’s Perception & Questions 

N. 20th 

10.00 (12.00 TT)


Middle East Technical University

Active, Playful & Creative Teaching in the Early Years

N. 20th

10.30 (12.30 TT)








11.00 (13.00 TT)





Dr. Katarzyna MIŁEK, PH. D.

Milenium University


Art Therapy in Education

N. 20th                  

11.15 (13.15 TT)

Dr. Ismael ABUJARAD, Ph.D. , Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) 

- Representative of World Academy of Islamic Management (WAIM) in Turkey 

Leading Effectively at the Global Level: The Role of Understanding Culture

N. 20th

11.45 (13.45 TT)

Dr. Hasibe Özlen DEMİRCAN, Ph. D. 

Middle East Technical University

STEM Education through Children’s Literature

N. 20th

12.15 (14.15 TT)





End of the Conference



12.45 (14.45 TT)








Dr. Fatih ÖZER, Ph.D. C. Istanbul University

Fatih ÖZER works as a lecturer at Istanbul University - Cerrahpaşa. In 2017, he completed his master's degree at Anadolu University on "The effect of serious games on the academic success, motivation and problem solving skills of the 4th grade students in the Science course". He developed the software used in his graduate study himself. After completing his master's education, he started his PhD at Istanbul University in 2017 and is currently working on the topic of "The Effect of Virtual Reality Applications in Science Teaching in Primary School" for his PhD thesis. He also developed the virtual reality application used in his PhD study. His research interests are educational technologies, digital games and virtual reality applications. He has done and is doing a lot of work in these areas.

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Dr. Anton Abdulbasah Kamil, Ph. D. Nişantaşı University

Dr. Anton Abdulbasah Kamil is Professor of Econometrics at the Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, Istanbul Nisantasi University, Turkey. He holds a Drs degree in Statistics from Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia, M.S. degree in Applied Statistics from Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia, and Ph.D in Econometrics from Prague University of Economics and Business, Czech Republic (Czech). Dr Anton has numerous publications to his credit in journal articles and proceedings. He has published more than a hundred articles in journals and proceedings. He continues to be an active researcher in his field. Dr Anton strives to promote mathematics and economics at all levels. He is on the Editorial Board of several international journals. In addition, he has also been appointed to serve on committees at several international conferences and is also a member of international professional associations related to his field. He was also involved in consultations with, Malaysian Fire Department (2011), Ministry of Tourism Malaysia (2005-2006) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (for Research and Development project to Reduce Geo-Hazard Damage in Malaysia Caused by Landslides and Floods, 2011 -2016). Since 2013, he is a Reviewer for the Mathematical Review (MR) a division of the American Mathematical Society.

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Dr. Hüseyin GÜL Süleyman Demirel University

Prof. GÜL got his undergraduate degree in public administration from the Faculty of Political Sciences, Ankara University, in 1991. He got two master degrees in the fields of urban studies and public administration from the University of Texas at Arlington in the USA. From the same University, he also received his doctorate degree in the field of urban and public administration. He worked as a research assistant in the Front-Line Management Practices Study, a study on the welfare reform in the United States conducted by the Rockefeller Institute of Government carried out in 1998 and 1999. He currently works in the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences at Süleyman Demirel University in Isparta, Turkey. His research interests include research in social sciences, urban and public management and policy, local governments, governance, public administration reform, urban poverty, welfare state, education policy and higher education. He has edited or co-authored several published books, such as “Basic Principles of Scientific Research-2007”;“Isparta from the Past to Present: An Urban Memory Study-2009”; “Social Democracy in Local Administrations: Theoretical Approaches to Socialist Municipality and Applications in Turkey-2009 & 2013)”; “Bologna Process and Turkey - Realization of EHEA (Der Bologna-Prozess und die Türkei - Die Schaffung des Europaischen Hochschulraums)-2011”; “Turkey in the New Millenium: A Critique of Social, Political and Economic Transformation-2013”; “Leadership in Public Administration and Governorship-2013), and “Local Administrations and Politics in Turkey”, among others.

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Dr. Sibel KARAKELLE, Ph. D. Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University

Prof. KARAKELLE is the former Dean Faculty of Education at Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University in Turkey. She received her Ph. D. at the University of North Texas, USA. She has also taught at the University of Süleyman Demirel & Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University. Prof. KARAKELLE visited 58 countries.
During her education abroad, she received many awards and certificates of appreciation. Some of them are: "International Educational Committee Award"; "Who's Who Among Students in American Universities & Colleges"; "Outstanding International Student of the Year Award"; "International Leadership Class Award"; "Honorary Citizenship of the State of Oklahoma Award"; "Certificate of Appreciation" given by the Consulate General of Houston and the Washington Embassy for the social and cultural contribution to the promotion of Turkey abroad.
She has aslo won awards for her work on behalf of the music education profession, and authored or co-authored articles, book chapters and books. Prof. Sibel KARAKELLE is the author of an international book titled “Dialectic of Centralization: A Sociological Examination of Music Teacher Training Programs of Selected Countries”;  an international book chapter entitled "Internationalization" and "Employability" in the Bologna Process and Turkey: European Higher Education Area Bologna Process, and editor of "Pedagogical Approaches in Piano Education".  She is currently working on an international book project called "Lives Behind Sounds" which is in the process of being published. Prof. Dr. Sibel KARAKELLE has an interest in the study of teaching, teacher education, and curriculum development.

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Dr. Belma TUĞRUL, Ph.D. Aydın University

After receiving her BA in Child Development and Education at Hacettepe University, she continued her scientific studies in the field of theory and practice for 31 years in the kindergarten of the same university. In 2015, she retired from the Department of Preschool Education at Hacettepe University. Currently, she works as a faculty member at the Faculty of Education of Istanbul Aydın University; and gives lectures at the Faculty of Education of the International Final University in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
During the Covid process, she worked as an academic advisor at EBA Kindergarten, broadcast on TRT EBA TV, which is defined as the world's largest school with no walls.
In the 2021-2022 academic year, she continued to be the academic advisor of the project titled “365 Days of STORY, 365 Days of GAME” conducted by the Ministry of National Education General Directorate of Primary Education, Department of Early Childhood Education. Likewise, she worked as the academic advisor of e-Twinning Projects titled “ZOOM-Ç” (Curious Children in Enriched Play Environments), “ATAÇ” (Less is More with Six bricks) and “CANSUYU” (There is a Village Far Away) in cooperation with early childhood teachers working in the kindergartens affiliated to the Ministry of National Education.
She continues to be an advocate of games by continuing her scientific and applied research in this field so that children, parents, teachers and prospective teachers could play more games.

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Dr. Serap SEVİMLİ ÇELİK, Ph. D. Middle East Technical University

Dr. Serap SEVİMLİ ÇELİK is an Associate Professor of Elementary and Early Childhood Education in the College of Education at Middle East Technical University (METU) where she teaches courses on Movement Education, Play, and Creativity at the undergraduate level and Embodied Learning at the graduate level. She has written book chapters on active design and play in early childhood as well as recently written articles on teacher playfulness, play preferences of preschoolers, and outdoor play and learning.

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Dr. Ismael ABUJARAD, Ph.D. Universiti Sains Malaysia

Dr.Ismael ABUJARAD is from Gaza, Palestine. He obtained his BA in English Literature from Al -Azhar University. He pusued his MBA and PhD in Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Penang, Malaysia. Dr. ABUJARAD areas of expertise include but not limited to Strategic Management and Leadership. His specialization is in Project Management, specifically, organizational performance, organizational innovation, and organizational culture. Dr. ABUJARAD has published many articles in International Journals and presented papers in conferences in many countries. Dr. ABUJARAD was the deputy dean of Center for Graduate Studies in Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia before moving to Istanbul, Turkey. He has taught at universities in Malaysia, Turkey, Palestine. The most enjoyable subject to him is leadership, which he has taught to undergraduate and MBA students for many years.  Dr.ABUJARAD speaks more than one language, write poetry, and plays "Oud".

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Dr. Hasibe Özlen DEMİRCAN, Ph. D. Middle East Technical University

Dr. H. Özlen Demircan, is an Associate Professor at Middle East Technical University, Department of Elementary and Early Childhood Education. Dr. Demircan teaches parent involvement, teaching methods, and STEM education courses for bachelor of science, master of science, and doctoral students of early childhood education programs. As a researcher, Dr. Demircan focuses on STEM education and parental involvement in the early years. Dr. Demircan led two research projects. One of them was about designing and implementing STEM education in early childhood training for in-service preschool teachers. Utilizing the project, she directed the training of more than 30 teachers. She developed an elective course for pre-service teachers to make this training sustainable. Using this course, she trained more than 80 teacher candidates.  Another project of hers, which is still in progress, is about “parent engagement in early years.” This up-to-date terminology is significant but needs to be embodied by both in-service and pre-service teachers; to increase collaboration between schools and societies. With the help of the project, she investigates in-service teachers' parent engagement perspectives to set a foundation for designing in-service teacher training on the issue.

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